Swelling around an injury is the body’s way of protecting itself and starting the healing process. Edema results whenever small blood vessels become “leaky” and release fluid into nearby tissues. The tissue swells because of this extra fluid accumulating. Too much swelling can cause problems. Edema in the legs can cause the legs to feel heavy making it hard to walk. Severe leg edema can interfere with blood flow, leading to even more painful conditions like ulcers on the skin.
One of our client’s used the ComfortWave or inferential current therapy at a physical therapists office. We took before and after measurements of the client’s edema and found that the edema went down significantly and increased the client’s circulation. The ComfortWave is a trusted treatment by physical therapists and requires a prescription.
If you are struggling with edema, contact us and also talk to your physical therapist about starting an inferential current therapy using the ComfortWave. It could be truly life-changing.
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